Recliners is a brand specialized in reclining furniture. It produces sofas and armchairs with a classic trend design, with simple and discreet lines, and is inserted in the history of Brazilian furniture.
By rethinking the brand and its purpose, Laika sought to reaffirm the culture of the Recliners brand, inspired by the purpose of creating timeless furniture.

The Recliners new brand has, in the typographic design, the discreet suggestion of the reclining undulation of the body. Supported by the combination of black, gray and a specific variation of red, the brand has at its disposal a minimalist and significant set of chromatic combinations.

To synthesize the brand’s culture, Laika verbalized its essential pillars, which include principles of sustainability, design, ergonomics and customer relationship.
The first pillar is respect for the customer. Being chosen by them is, at the same time, a responsibility and a privilege, as it is also being invited into their house. All respect to the customer is within the delivery of ideal furniture for their home, where their family lives.

The second pillar is the idea of timelessness, manifested in the ergonomics and design of the Recliners furniture, which inhabits its clients’ homes as an object of value. An object that traverses time is sustainable because it is not disposable; it has design as it stands out from fads; and it is ergonomic for being designed with technical rigour.